About Me

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I am a 68-year-old gay disabled amateur part-time writer living in Slough, Berkshire UK. I have published around 60 articles in 20 leisure and lifestyle magazines. I live with a range of health issues including heart disease, chronic kidney disease, Type 2 diabetes, depression, atrial fibrillation and restless leg syndrome. (I'm working my way through the medical dictionary!). I'm a member of Slough Writer's Group which is interesting and informative. Latest News. 10th July 2023 Awarded 'The Sandy Lee-Guard Award for Endeavour' by the Slough Writers Group. 6th December 2023 Completed studying 'Writing for Magazines' with CityLit University. January 2nd 2024. Fell over in the lounge and fractured my left femur (whilst recovering from fracturing my right femur in July 2023). Recovery expected to take 6 - 8 months. May 2024. Completed studying ' National Centre for Writing' course 'Creative Non-Fiction - An Introduction'. You can see the articles that have been published in the 'LATEST WORK' section of my website. It's at http://richardhill.co.uk/latest.html

Monday 31 July 2023


Monday, and I'm in another hospital for rehabilitation. Upton Hospital in central Slough.

I had the clips removed from my wounds earlier. 

I got out of bed and into a chair for an hour and a half today but the chair was very uncomfortable. I would have managed longer if the chair had been more comfortable. I walked 2 or 3 steps to and from the chair but putting weight on my bad (right) leg was extremely painful. But when not 'loadbearing', I can carefully move my legs into different positions.

Since moving here, I've been unable to access 'YouTube' or 'DropBox' related sites. I wonder if this is hospital policy to prevent downloading of offensive content.

Saturday 29 July 2023

Saturday - Intro to Upton

I was made ready for transportation at around 12 noon. Everything was packed into polythene bags and one rucksack.

Ambulance turned up at Wexham and whisked me off to Upton.

Introductions and giving details.

Sitting to standing exercises before supper. More later!

Friday 28 July 2023

Friday 28th July

Today is considerably better than yesterday. I was in pain, discomfort, and depressed. Nothing seemed on the way up.

I've been told today that a male bed is being held for me at the rehabilitation unit at Upton Hospital (my preferred choice) depending on my sugar levels, which have been high.

The surgeon came to see me. He said that I'd been a very difficult and dangerous case due to my heart's complex and complicated conditions. But although he had doubts about proceeding, the outcome was satisfactory.

Later in the day, it was confirmed that I would be transferred to Upton Hospital sometime tomorrow.

I hope that the unit has WiFi and that I will be able to continue working.

See you tomorrow (I hope)!

Wednesday 26 July 2023


It's a slow, but noticeable improvement. I still need to take the proper steps. I can, with assistance, just about stand. If my text is rambling, I'm on oral morphine to help me deal with the pain.

I'm depressed. I had hoped I would have been able to walk as far as the end of the ward by now - but I can't.

Yesterday, I was told that I'd be going to rehab. I imagined a country-style converted barn house but was told it would be either St. Marks' Hospital, Maidenhead, or Upton Hospital in Slough, (which wouldn't be so bad). However, this morning I was told it wouldn't be my choice, as I'd been led to believe, but the hospital in which the first bed became available. I very much pray that it will be the hospital in Upton.

Sunday 23 July 2023


FRIDAY 14th July: I went to the Thames Traditional Boat Festival (TTBF) on the Friday. It was pouring rain. I met two narrowboat owners and interviewed them inside their boats, with the intention of Tony going to photograph them and their narrowboats tomorrow. All the other boats were covered with canvas with the owners/handlers presumably taking shelter in the bar, so I came away.

SATURDAY 15th July. Met up with Tony at the TTBF. We wandered up to the narrow boats for a photography session. Stepping off the grass bank down onto the 'jetty' and lost my footing and fell forward, banging my head and injuring my hip. I was in agony and a paramedic was called. On examining me, he suggested that I'd broken my hip. A short time later the festival ambulance turned up. After more examination, I was 'scooped' up onto a trolley, lifted off the jetty, and wheeled into the ambulance which conveyed me to the First Aid area. An NHS ambulance was called for, and we were told that the waiting time exceeded two hours. However, it thankfully turned up in 25 minutes and I was transferred to it (in agony).

I was transported to Wexham Park Hospital in Slough. To cut a long story short, I was given pain relief and X-rays. It was confirmed that I had fractured my femur and needed. The operation was scheduled for Sunday but wasn't operated on until Monday.

On Saturday, after my departure, Tony took photographs of the boats that I'd asked him to.

TODAY SUNDAY 23rd July. Ever since I've been confined to bed, and have had extreme difficulty in moving the leg.

That's roughly the story so far. Watch this space!

Thursday 13 July 2023


Not feeling very well this morning. I hope to feel better soon.

 Read my article 'Bournville 5' on 'Canals Online' at https://canalsonline.uk/bournville-5

This morning, I updated my website at www.richardhill.co.uk .

Still not feeling too brilliant. Taking it easy, ahead of my visit to the Thames Traditional Boat Festival tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday.

Spent a while this afternoon sorting out everything I need for tomorrow.

Wednesday 12 July 2023


This morning I rewrote my feature article 'Chocolate on the Shroppie', rewritten as 'Bournville 5', and submitted it with three archive photographs to Canals Online.

I rang the editor, Linda, to enquire as to whether she wanted a report on the whole Thames Traditional Boat Festival on Saturday, or should I just focus on the narrow boats taking part. She asked for a mixture.

Tuesday 11 July 2023


Slough Writers Group

Yesterday evening was the last group meeting of this academic year. It included the AGM for 2022/23 and was mostly given over to the Chair's Report.

Following that, the guest poetry judge Roger Stennett joined in via 'Zoom'. He gave short feedback on each of the 14 entries and announced the winner: Lee Taylor.

Then came the annual awards and I was delighted to have been awarded the 'The Sandy Lee-Guard Award for Endeavour'!

The 'formal' part of the evening wound up at around 9pm and we all retired to the bar.

Monday 10 July 2023


I have written, submitted, and have had accepted:

·         Two versions of Best’s Friends. One for ‘Able’ magazine and one for ‘Dogs Today’ magazine.

·         A 960-word feature called Newfs In Action for ‘Dogs Today’ magazine.

After visiting the Thames Traditional Boat Festival on Saturday, I will be writing (as commissioned):

·         A 1,500-word article on steam powered boats for ‘Old Glory’ magazine.

·         A 250-word article for ‘Boating New Zealand’ magazine.

I have been asked to write, (without payment), two articles for ‘Canals Online’ magazine.

Saturday 8 July 2023


 This morning, I've been trawling the net, and going through my books on quotations for a quote about 'dog' or 'dogs'.

I can't find the recording I made with one of the people from 'Newfs in Action' on Sunday. I've had to message one of the organizers to ask him to email me some quotes about his involvement with the group.

I'm almost ready to start writing the first draft of the article.

Watch this space!

16:45 Been spending the day writing the first draft of 'Newfs in Action'.

Friday 7 July 2023


I'm not feeling well this morning so I'm just sitting in my reclining settee organising the files in my laptop. I'm also 'tidying up' my emails.

Dogs Today magazine have expressed an interest in publishing my article Best's Friends. Things seem to be moving along and I've sent them a couple of other ideas for doggy articles.

When I feel better, by lunchtime I hope, I'm going to sit out on our patio and transcribe the interviews I conducted with 'Newfs in Action' at their event on Sunday.

I've enrolled in a course Writing for Magazines with City Lit, a six-week online course, beginning in October. I'm being sponsored by Resource Productions, a media, and arts charity in Slough.

Thursday 6 July 2023

Good news Thursday!

I had some good news this morning. I've had my article Best's Friends accepted by 'Able' magazine for publication in their September/October issue. I'm over the moon!

Beginning transcribing interviews from 'Newfs in Action' tomorrow.

I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon about the problems I've had with my legs. He examined me and arranged for me to have a blood test. He's then going to refer me to a neurologist.

Monday 3 July 2023

Monday 3rd July

I spent Saturday, transcribing an interview with 18-year-old Eliot Best. Eliot lives with autism and c-ptsd and identifies as 'non-binary'. Eliot has two 'assistance' dogs, labradoodle 'Curlywurly' and labrador 'Rex'. I'm aiming the feature article at a 'disability' magazine such as 'Able' magazine.

Yesterday, I traveled to Gatton Park Country Show near Reigate. I went to see 'Newfs in Action', a group of giant Newfoundland dogs trained to rescue people who have fallen into lakes, ponds, or rivers. Photographer Tony Brice was with me to photograph the training and public demonstration. It was an impressive experience.

Today, I'm recovering after having to walk a long way yesterday. But I'm simultaneously continuing to edit my piece on Eliot Best (above). I've chosen the working title for the article: Best's Friends.

It's Slough Writers Group tonight. I'll be telling them about my submissions and acceptances. Tonights' workshop is being run by my friend Mark Starkey. 'Writing the same story for different readers.' We've been told to take an excerpt of 200 words or so. Thereafter - who knows?!

Watch this space!