About Me

- Richard
- I am a 69-year-old gay disabled amateur part-time writer living in Slough, Berkshire UK. I have published around 60 articles in 20 leisure and lifestyle magazines. I live with a range of health issues including heart disease, chronic kidney disease, Type 2 diabetes, depression, atrial fibrillation and restless leg syndrome. (I'm working my way through the medical dictionary!). I'm a member of Slough Writer's Group which is interesting and informative. Latest News. 10th July 2023 Awarded 'The Sandy Lee-Guard Award for Endeavour' by the Slough Writers Group. 6th December 2023 Completed studying 'Writing for Magazines' with CityLit University. January 2nd 2024. Fell over in the lounge and fractured my left femur (whilst recovering from fracturing my right femur in July 2023). May 2024. Completed studying ' National Centre for Writing' course 'Creative Non-Fiction - An Introduction'. 3rd November 2024. Began studying 'Article Writing and Freelance Journalism' with 'Writing Magazine'. Expected duration 8 Weeks.
Saturday, 30 December 2023
Friday, 29 December 2023
Simon Whaley is a writer, author, and photographer.
Like many writers, he's had a few proper jobs along the way (high street bank, local government, civil service) but found that life as a writer suits him better. Since his first book hit the UK bestseller lists in December 2003, he's authored and contributed to several books, written hundreds of articles and seen several of his short stories published across the world.
Check out his new British Cozy Crime series, the Marquess of Mortiforde Mysteries, set in the stunningly beautiful Welsh Borders. The first book in the series, Blooming Murder, is out now!
To find out more about Simon, visit his website at www.simonwhaley.co.uk.
© Simon Whaley
Thursday, 28 December 2023
Thursday Troubles
Wayne May was a victim of theft years ago. “I used to show my dogs and they (criminals) followed me home from a dog show and stole my dogs”. Wayne had six dogs stolen. “We got home from the dog show and we bathed the dogs and we fed them and we were sitting down in our living room having our tea.”, says Wayne, “It was later in the year so it was getting dark early and the dogs started barking and when I went out into the back yard to see why the dogs were barking, they were already in the process of stealing my dogs.”
The editor liked it.
Tonight, I've been trying to find a very simple audio editor so that I can put a few seconds of the interview on here. But to no avail.
Wednesday, 27 December 2023
Wednesday Writing
This evening, I watched the 'Royal Institution Christmas Lectures' followed by 'Inside the Factory - Yorkshire Puddings'. Before I 'turn in' for the night, I'm going to review today's transcription of the interview I recorded with Wayne May on Friday. The interview itself lasted around 30 minutes which took 2 hours to transcribe into 2,200 words.
Tomorrow I plan to write the first draft of my article on Wayne May. I estimate that with the material that I have, it will make an article of between 1,000 and 1,200 words.
I'm also going to try and upload the transcript word document to my 'Cloud Storage'. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, 26 December 2023
Boxing Day (Tuesday)
I have to start with a 'rant' - about fireworks...
I didn't do much this afternoon. I watched some 80's hits which took me back to my early years together with Simon.
21:30 and I'm not really interested with anything on television, so I've come online to update this blog and catch up with emails, WhatsApp messages and MSN Messenger.
This week I plan on 'writing up' the recording of my interview with Wayne May, and writing the article.
That's all for tonight.
Monday, 25 December 2023
Merry Christmas Monday
It's Christmas Day!
Did you get everything you wanted from Father Christmas?
I slept in until around 10am, yet years ago, when I was a young boy, I would wake up around 5am. I'd excitedly go downstairs to retrieve the presents that the big man would have left me in front of the fireplace. I'd 'heave' the (real) stocking upstairs back to bed and unwrap everything carefully.
Father Christmas had a funny sense of humour! Some of the presents I unwrapped were mine already! But there was always something that I really wanted. One year, he left me a wrapped shoebox marked 'DIY KIT' which contained all manner of things. For example colored pencils and paper, safety scissors, sticky tape, paper glue, balsa wood, etc.
Breakfast was served after milking and after church, we'd come home and open our presents. This year I'd been given money by Simon to spend on 'reference' and 'how to write so and so' books.
I've had a 'messenger' chat just with my friend Bodie. It's 17:12 now, and I'm going to 'publish' this now and come back to it later.
Sunday, 24 December 2023
Merry Chrismas Eve
Saturday, 23 December 2023
Saturday Synopsis
Not a very inspiring title I know, but I can't think of anything else!
I started looking for free online courses on 'Public Speaking', and I mean FREE! I can't afford anything to study this subject. But while I was searching, I came across an OU OpenLearn free course in 'Understanding Autism'.
The subject* of my 1,500-word 'feature article' is going to be about a lovely 18-year-old non-binary person, Bodie Best, who lives with autism and other complex mental medical issues so I concluded that it would be useful to study and write about him.
The course is recommended to take 3 hours a day for 8 days, making a total of 24 hours of study which I can easily 'slot' into my other work, and probably complete in 2 - 3 days.
Friday, 22 December 2023
Friday Feature
This afternoon, I interviewed Wayne May, a 'pet detective' from Kent who is involved in the rescue and care of hundreds of various threatened domestic animals. He is an interesting character and should make a fascinating feature article for 'Dogs Today' magazine. I'll post a link here when it's published in the magazine's March issue.
Wednesday, 20 December 2023
Tuesday, 19 December 2023
I've been accepted into 'Authors with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses' as part of the 'Society of Authors'.
If you're looking for useful resources for writers, check out Simon Whaley. He is a talented writer of a host of books that you can find on his Amazon collection, Books by Simon Whaley.
I'm preparing to interview (over the phone) a 'pet detective' on Thursday or Friday. I've been checking my digital voice recorder, but can't find the information pamphlet.
Still - I think I've cracked it (not literally)!
Monday, 18 December 2023
One of the ‘dens’ I had was an attic room at the back of the house. One year I had a chemistry set for Christmas and set up a laboratory in the attic. I can’t remember what concoctions I created, but one gave off the most horrendous stink. I had a book on making and creating various electrical and electronic devices. One was a simple crystal radio which I made out of parts from old broken televisions and radios, but it never worked. It involved making a simple aerial which I made by stretching a wire, from an electric fence, from the attic window to a tree some 100 feet away.
Sometime later my cousin Steve’s grandfather, Mr Pullan, came to stay. He had been an electrical engineer during a long career in the industry. He was very interested in my attempt at building a simple radio receiver and came up to the attic to cast his eye over it. He saw a flaw in the tuning coil and rewound it. Then, when we connected it to the aerial and tuned it, lo and behold, it came to life and received an overseas radio station. It worked for a few minutes, but never did again!
This is it for today. Check back soon!
No it isn't - here's a bit more:-
Spent hours trying to find the hi-res version of myself for a mag. Eventually found it. Here's the web version:-
Sunday, 17 December 2023
Seasonal Sunday
In 1965, the Welsh National Eisteddfod came to Dolerw Park in Newtown (Drenewydd) some 18 miles from Bont and although I hadn’t qualified to compete, I still went and enjoyed the occasion. I also remember the stone circle erected especially for the druidic Gorsedd ceremonies and the ceremony of crowning the Bard. The stones can be found throughout Wales to signify that the National Eisteddfod has visited the town. It’s still there.
Every now and again we had bizarre visitors. Each year, at around the same time of year, a tramp would call on us and offer his services helping on the farm in exchange for food and/or money. A stranger visitor to the front door was a Sheikh selling various items out of a suitcase. I think mum bought a couple of items. A welcome annual visitor was Mr. Tipper who sold various items for the home and farm. He sold long bars of red soap for washing and bathing and white soap for laundry. He also sold mineral blocks to supplement the cattle’s diet.
If you know who Mr. Tipper was, or the (small) business he ran in mid-Wales, do let me know.
I've been delving inner-depths of my memory to recall the events of my childhood. Fortunately, I've already made notes on other occasions.
Friday, 15 December 2023
Friday Evening
I've spent hours upon hours, decorating the 'post room'! Each new email despatched has this 'Christmas Garland' adorning its' first page. Camp or Pretty? 🌝 Richard.
Stand in front of the magazine shelves in any large store and the chances are you’ll see hundreds, if not thousands, of publications, ranging from quarterlies, monthlies, weeklies, and even the daily newspapers.
...there are hundreds of thousands of publications, ranging from freebie magazines given away in supermarkets, banks, and other retailers to in-house publications produced to keep staff informed in companies up and down the country.
Now, take a step back... and reconfigure what you see before you. Don’t think of them as individual publications. Instead, think of them as collections of articles. Every single article was written by someone. And tomorrow the daily newspapers need another batch of articles, next week the weeklies will need filling with new material, next month the monthlies will need a complete change of articles, and in three months the quarterlies will need new features too.
Thursday, 14 December 2023
Thursday (Morning).
I've been titivating my website this morning. I've added my memberships to my 'Links' and 'Other Stuff' pages.
Wednesday, 13 December 2023
My first primary school was Bont Primary School. I was taught a range of subjects predominately in Welsh. One of the ‘subjects’ that I excelled at was singing and I became an accomplished boy soprano. I learned Welsh hymns such as ‘Cwm Rhondda’, the most famous version of which is the English version ‘Bread of Heaven’.
Each spring there was an annual singing and recitation competition at Cwmllinau village, near Machynlleth. I was usually entered in a few categories including those for boy sopranos. I am proud to say (boast!) that I often came first, second or third and was awarded a coloured ribbon for each award. I also sang in duets, usually with my good friend Alwyn Pryce. I was also entered into classes in recitation, but didn’t succeed as well in that. One matter that concerned Mum and Dad was that other parents, whose native language was Welsh, might have felt aggrieved that their own children may have ‘lost out’ to an English-speaking competitor. Well, if they were, they never showed it and usually congratulated me on my success.
So far, I've written around 2150 words and I've covered less than ten years of my life. That's approximately 240 words per year and, looking ahead, a prediction of 16,250 words for my life so far (I don't think so!). I'm going to have to write it in 'stages' indispersing it with writing articles for magazines.
I found a brilliant image of a dog and boy on board a narrowboat in 1954. I would have liked to have used it in my article on dogs who lived aboard boats but the copyright owners would not release it without a fee, which was too high.
However, onwards and upwards. The article has to be written, so I'll continue my research.
Watch this space!
Monday, 11 December 2023
Saturday, 9 December 2023
Saturday Sides
· 1) Narrowboat Dog – A dog and their owner who lives aboard narrowboats.
· 2) Urban Dog – A dog and their owners who live in towns or cities. What additional challenges and/or joys do they face?
· 3) Long-distance 'trucker' dog. – A dog that travels in the cab of big trucks with their owners (day and/or overnight).
· 4) Commuting Dog – A dog that travels to and from their owner's place of work (by car, bus, or train)
· 5) Dog at owner's workplace – A dog that spends their days (and/or nights) with their owner at their place of work. Office/Building site/factory etc.
That's all for today. Plenty to be getting on with!
Thursday, 7 December 2023
Smartphone entry
I'm writing this on my smartphone to see if it works.
I've enrolled on the course 'Creative writing non-fiction articles' with the 'National Centre for Writing' at the 'University of East Anglia'. It starts in February and lasts for 12 weeks. At least 5 hours a week.
Today I've been researching possible sources for funding. £475. Fingers crossed!
Wednesday, 6 December 2023
Website Wednesday
I've spent today, tweaking, redesigning, editing, and uploading my revised website. I've added the 'OTHER STUFF' and 'LINKS' sections which have been redesigned.
I've also added my inclusion statement as it's 'National Inclusion Week':-
"I aim to create a safe and welcoming atmosphere for everyone. I want to challenge all forms of oppression including those based on race, ethnicity, nationality, creed, gender, sex, class, sexuality, gender reassignment, learning ability, physical impairment, mental illness, HIV status, age, occupation, income, wealth and unrelated criminal conviction. I aim to design my activities, services, and decision-making processes specifically to encourage and support participation from people who face disadvantage in society, including women, BME people, disabled people, LGBTQ+ people, and people on low incomes."
I've also included links and logos for 'Society of Authors' and 'Gay Authors Workshop'.
I'm quite pleased with it. I don't use any software to build/edit my website. I write it myself in raw HTML. i think there's a bit more tweaking needed but, like my writing, I need to leave it alone for a couple of days and come back to it with fresh eyes at the weekend.
I read a new book this afternoon: '50 things to know about writing non-fiction articles for magazines'. Although It didn't take too long to read, it's a really good book.
I'm going to leave it at that for today. I'm now going to settle down and watch some c**p television.
Monday, 4 December 2023
Busy beginning!
Saturday, 2 December 2023
Society of Authors
Yesterday, I became a member of the Society of Authors at https://www.societyofauthors.org
Empowering authors since 1884.
The SoA is the UK’s largest trade union for all types of writers, illustrators, and literary translators, at all stages of their careers. We have been advising individuals and speaking out for the profession for more than a century.
'Our aim is that individuals of every background, age, location, career stage, and professional focus should have equal access to the opportunities, knowledge, support, and community they need while working across industries and in creative spaces where they are genuinely valued and rewarded for what they do.'
Here are the results of yesterday's research for 'Slough Writers' Group:-
A selection of forthcoming
Writing Competitions
Literary Competition 2024
Fee: Adults: £5, Under 18s: free
Adults: 1st Place: £250; 2nd: £150; 3rd: £100; Under 18s: £10-£35 in book
Limit: Varies
Short Story Competitions/Poetry Competitions
Website: www.rcsherrifftrust.org.uk/elmbridge-literary-competition/
Prize – Short Story
23.59 (UK TIME) ON 31 MAY 2024
Fee: £14 per entry
First prize: £5,000; second prize: £1,000; third prize: £500; highly commended:
10 x £100
Limit: 5,000 words (no minimum, title not included in the word count)
Wendy Erskine
Short Story Competitions
Website: www.bridportprize.org.uk/the-competition/short-story
Prize – Flash Fiction
23.59 (UK TIME) ON 31 MAY 2024
Fee: £11 per entry
First prize: £1,000; second prize: £500; third prize: £250; highly commended: 5
x £100
Limit: 250 words (no minimum, title not included in the word count)
Jasmine Sawers
Short Story Competitions
Website: www.bridportprize.org.uk/the-competition/short-story
Flash Fiction Prize 2024
yourself into history and become one of the greats with the Oxford Flash
Fiction Prize!
31 January 2024
Count: 1000 words / Font: Arial 12pt, single spaced word document or PDF.
Fee: £7 for one flash fiction / £11 for two flash fictions / £15 for three
flash / £35 critiques
1st Prize: £1000 – New Voice Prize: £200 – 2nd Prize: £200 – 3rd Prize: £100
entrants will be offered publication in our end of year anthology.
further information and how to apply, please visit their website: https://oxfordflashfictionprize.com/
Competition Nineteen
10 pm (UK time) Saturday 23rd December 2023
Fee: £3.80 per entry (PayPal/Stripe) or £2.30 per entry via BSC (UK bank
Winner: £150.00; 2x Highly Commended: £30.00; 2x Shortlisted: £20.00 (all
winners will receive publication)
Limit: 300 (excluding title), minimum 100
S. A. Greene (winner of Competition Eighteen)
Flash Fiction Competitions
Website: www.freeflashfiction.com/current-competition
Press Short Story Competition
31 DECEMBER 2023
Fee: £6 per entry
First prize: £200; second prize: £150; third prize: £50
Limit: 2,000 words
Four published authors / creative writing academics
Short Story Competitions
Website: www.henshawpress.co.uk
& Artists' Short Story Competition 2024
date 12th February 2024
our free annual short story competition and be in with a chance of winning a
place on an Arvon Residential Writing Week (worth £850) as well as seeing your
story published on our site. To enter, all you have to do is submit a short
story (for adults) of no more than 2,000 words on the theme of risk via our
online competition form, and ensure that you have a (free!) account on our
Useful Writing Links (in no
particular order)
New Writers
National Centre for Writing
Writers Guild of Great Britain (WGGB)
Creative Future Writers
National Association of Writers and Groups
National Centre for Writing
Writers Digest
Society of Authors
Writers & Artists Yearbook
New Writing South
Shape Arts (for writers with
Urban Writers Retreat
Royal Society of Literature
BBC Writers Room
The Writers' Greenhouse
Quite a list!
Finally, it's Friday
So we've survived the week and made it through to Friday 1st December (World Aids Day).
I've been researching various outlets for some of my newest articles.
I also researched some competitions and links for my writers' group 'Slough Writers'.
Wednesday, 29 November 2023
Wednesday's Wanderings
Tuesday, 28 November 2023
Tuesday thoughts
Monday, 27 November 2023
Sunday thoughts
I'ts been a mixture of sorting and storing various tasks today:
I've been:-
- Catching up on all my unanswered email messages, (and deleting those that are 'spam' - Why does anyone think that I need a box set of lipsticks in various shades?)
- Collecting and collating material for the Slough Writers latest project 'Station Jim'.
- Contesting a parking ticket (for parking in my own reserved 'Disabled Parking' space).
- Writing this blog before I 'log-off' and retire for the evening and start watching s**t television.
So I'll 'speak' again soon.
Saturday, 25 November 2023
Weekends Wonderings and Wanderings.
Hi. Sorry about the day delays. I haven't posted anything since Wednesday morning.
Tuesday evening's class was interesting. We studied shape, structure, and interview skills. Since my health deteriorated, I now mainly conduct my interviews, not in a face-to-face format, but over the telephone or via email. I now find that email techniques are my favoured. Please find this example from my Tuesday evening class Copyright © CityLit 2023 & Mark Starkey.
Interviewing Techniques - Strategy:
Do your research. Pull out anything they have said before or any
interviews they have done
Choose your location – it is important both to set the tone and for
your writing
A good interview is a combination of apparent spontaneity and
responsiveness, good research and searching questions
Plan your strategy carefully. Start with the easy questions first to
get them talking about themselves. Make the interviewee feel
special - strategy, ammunition and weapons are the key to
successkeys to success.
Listen, engage, interact and make eye contact
Body language is useful – mirror, pace, lead
Do not read off a list of questions but allow the interview to flow
Tick off what has been answered on your list so that you know to
come back to questions later
Allow for reflection – in doing so your interviewee will feel more
relaxed and engaged
Ensure your questions illustrate your knowledge about them or
who they represent
Leave a door open – for contact afterward in case there are further
Here's an example of a recent interview conducted by me via email: (questions in black, responses in red)
Dear (editors name),
1) How many dog(s) do you have?
1 Dog
2) What are their names, gender, breed and ages?
Rosco, Male, CockerPoo, 3 years 6 months
3) Is/are your dog(s) a pedigree or crossbreed?
Cross bread (Poodle/Cocker Spaniel)
4) How long have you owned your dog(s)?
Since he was 8 weeks old
5) What activities do you do with your dog(s)? e.g. Walking, running, ball games, dog shows, taking your dog to work etc.
Mostly walking, no shows, he comes to work once a week as I now don’t work from home.
6) What makes your dog happy?
Being around people and other dogs, he is very social and affectionate.
7) What does your dog do to make you happy?
Rosco is always there, he gives us as much love and attention as we give him. He snuggles when we feel sad. He knows when we are getting stressed and sits with us all day if needed, just stroking his back, head and belly gives us some much-needed mental release as we feel instantly happier in his presence. He is always happy to see us as we are him. Walking him gives us purpose and meaning for exercise. He is a good dog, a great dog, and we love him.
Great responses, but this doesn't always work. Interviewees can either forget (follow up with a gentle reminder) or just choose not to reply. The above example was sent out to eight recipients, but only four responded, answering all/most of my questions. As mentioned earlier, interviews can also be conducted via telephone or face to face.
You can read a (rough) article 'Writing for Magazines' written by me which you can download by clicking here.
That's all for now - tomorrow I'll cover recording and transcribing your interview(s) - so you've probably had enough by now - back to my homepage.