About Me

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I am a 68-year-old gay disabled amateur part-time writer living in Slough, Berkshire UK. I have published around 60 articles in 20 leisure and lifestyle magazines. I live with a range of health issues including heart disease, chronic kidney disease, Type 2 diabetes, depression, atrial fibrillation and restless leg syndrome. (I'm working my way through the medical dictionary!). I'm a member of Slough Writer's Group which is interesting and informative. Latest News. 10th July 2023 Awarded 'The Sandy Lee-Guard Award for Endeavour' by the Slough Writers Group. 6th December 2023 Completed studying 'Writing for Magazines' with CityLit University. January 2nd 2024. Fell over in the lounge and fractured my left femur (whilst recovering from fracturing my right femur in July 2023). Recovery expected to take 6 - 8 months. May 2024. Completed studying ' National Centre for Writing' course 'Creative Non-Fiction - An Introduction'. You can see the articles that have been published in the 'LATEST WORK' section of my website. It's at http://richardhill.co.uk/latest.html

Tuesday 27 February 2024

New Course - First Assignment

I've submitted my first assignment and I post it below. After the submission, I've posted some my tutor's comments. I was pleasantly surprised.

RichardHill_Assignment One

18-year-old Spence has a fleece hoodie on today, just washed by his girlfriend, Ann. It smells calm and cloudy, fresh out of the tumble drier. He gets down on his knees to play with Poppy, his ten-year-old Jack Russell Terrier. Poppy’s blind and finds her master by his body odour, but is a little confused as he’s wearing body deodorant and dressed in that overpowering hoodie. But, she finds him and submissively rolls on her back for a “tummy tickle”. Spence obliges, and she reacts with a passive whine of pleasure.

‘Are you going to pick up your prescription?’ asks Ann. Spence nods and speaks to his dog in a silly childish voice. ‘Is that nice, Poppydog?’ If she were a cat, she would be purring but just looks up with sightless eyes. ‘Is Poppydog going to be a good girl for daddy till he gets home?’ asks Spence in that baby-talk tone. He stands and turns to speak to Ann.

‘Right. I’m off now, love. Kiss me.’ Ann kisses him. ‘I hope you make more than yesterday.

And don’t forget to pick up your script.’, she reminds him. Spence opens the front door and leaves.

He hates taking the lift, but following a football injury a few years earlier, he can’t cope with the stairs, not even going down. He presses the “down” button and waits. ‘C’mon, c’mon’ he impatiently mumbles. He hears the clatter of the lift approaching. It comes to a standstill and the door scrapes open. It smells of stale piss. It descends.

It’s not a very nice day to be begging on the street. It’s that kind of misty drizzle that gets under your collar.

Fifteen minutes later, he’s arrived at a parade of shops, one of which he’ll soon be begging outside. But first, he’s going to the chemist where he’ll collect his methadone. For the past few weeks, it has been dispensed by a nurse at the health centre. But now, he is coming off heroin, to which he’s been addicted for a few years.

His “weaning off” heroin is being strictly supervised by his doctor. But now Spence is considered stable and responsible enough to self-medicate at home. Yesterday's dose, the last to be administered by the nurse, is wearing off and his body aches for more, and soon, after he visits the chemists nearby he’ll be ‘topped up’.

And here are my tutor's comments...

"This is great – I love the neat brevity of how you write and how vivid a picture you paint for us in such a short space of time. I enjoyed the playfulness of the reveal too – Spence might easily be going out to do a day’s work as a plumber, or to an office. It’s only as the piece reaches its conclusion that you reveal the truth and the darker underbelly of his life as a recovering heroin addict. The sentence “It smells of stale piss” is the shock moment, I think, when the atmosphere changes for the reader. It doesn’t feel contrived or exploitative though, and Spence, Ann and Poppy are presented sympathetically throughout...

...Well done with this first assignment though. You give us a particularly sympathetic rendering of Spence, and this could make a strong introduction to a longer piece about him."

I'm chuffed with the tutor's response. I have to be honest and say that I hadn't expected such a positive outcome.

For those who haven't read previous postings, the online course is 'Creative writing non-fiction' from the National Centre for Writing, part of the University of East Anglia.

Thursday 22 February 2024

Long time no 'speak'!

I've been a little quiet here as I've been busy with my other projects and assignments. I've been working on Module One of my course and writing my assignment.

"For our first assignment, then, I’d like you to see what you can deduct from a spell of people-watching in a public place."

"So, please write 300–500 words about the scene you have been privy to (or previously witnessed), the conversations you've overheard, or the imagined lives of those strangers you’ve observed walking past you."

Here are my interactions with my instructor:

Richard Hill
Richard Hill
8 days ago
I have a question: Due to my various 'disabilities', I'm unable to get 'out and about' to 'people watch'. Can I instead write about people that I know (or have known)? I would of course change their names to 'protect the innocent'!
Edward Parnell
Edward Parnell
7 days ago
Absolutely! That in itself is a really interesting exercise, so please do that, Richard.
Richard Hill
Richard Hill
2 days ago
I'm happy! I was worried about this assignment. However, I've managed it. It may not be any good, but I've managed it!
Edward Parnell
Edward Parnell
a day ago
Well done, Richard - and I'm sure it will be good! But, the key with writing is getting it done at all. We then have a starting point to rewrite and tweak.

And here is my completed submission:-

RichardHill_Assignment One

18-year-old Spence has a fleece hoodie on today, just washed by his girlfriend, Ann.

It smells calm and cloudy, fresh out of the tumble drier. He gets down on his knees to

play with Poppy, his ten-year-old Jack Russell Terrier. Poppy’s blind and finds her master

by his body odour, but is a little confused as he’s wearing body deodorant and dressed in

that overpowering hoodie. But, she finds him and submissively rolls on her back for a

“tummy tickle”. Spence obliges, and she reacts with a passive whine of pleasure.

‘Are you going to pick up your prescription?’ asks Ann. Spence nods and speaks to his

dog in a silly childish voice. ‘Is that nice, Poppydog?’ If she were a cat, she would be

purring but just looks up with sightless eyes. ‘Is Poppydog going to be a good girl for

daddy till he gets home?’ asks Spence in that baby-talk tone.

He stands and turns to speak to Ann. ‘Right. I’m off now, love. Kiss me.’ Ann kisses him.

‘I hope you make more than yesterday. And don’t forget to pick up your script.’,

she reminds him. Spence opens the front door and leaves.

He hates taking the lift, but following a football injury a few years earlier, he can’t cope

with the stairs, not even going down. He presses the “down” button and waits.

‘C’mon, c’mon’ he impatiently mumbles. He hears the clatter of the lift approaching.

It comes to a standstill and the door scrapes open. It smells of stale piss. It descends. It’s

not a very nice day to be begging on the street. It’s that kind of misty drizzle that gets

under your collar.

Fifteen minutes later, he’s arrived at a parade of shops, one of which he’ll soon be begging

outside. But first, he’s going to the chemist where he’ll collect his methadone. For the past

few weeks, it has been dispensed by a nurse at the health centre. But now, he is coming off

heroin, to which he’s been addicted for a  few years.

His “weaning off” heroin is being strictly supervised by his doctor. But now Spence is

considered stable and responsible enough to self-medicate at home. Yesterday's dose, the

last to be administered by the nurse, is wearing off and his body aches for more, and soon,

after he visits the chemists nearby he’ll be ‘topped up’.


394 Words

This is based on a young man I knew that regularly (regardless of the weather) used to beg in the doorway of a mini-supermarket near me. It will also be based on the lives of three heroin (one recovering) addicts I knew/know.

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Got it!

 I've started the course 'Creative Writing Non-fiction' and worked my way through Module One. I've also completed my first assignment which was 300 - 500 words of an opening to a book. The deadline is this coming Sunday, but I've completed it early.

As for my health, my left leg continues to hurt, sometimes it's agony. I have a weekly morphine patch on my chest and take Oxycodone about 3 to 4 times a day. I also have some morphine-based gel to rub into the affected area. I do exercise four times a day, once under the supervision of a physiotherapist. My walking is improving slowly, but I still take short slow steps with a walking frame.

Saturday 10 February 2024

Learning Zone

 On Monday 12th February I begin a 12-week online course run by the National Centre for Writing part of the University of East Anglia. The course is entitled 'Creative Writing - Non-fiction'.

I'm currently setting up my laptop to enable me to participate as smoothly as possible.

As I'm still recovering from my fractured femur surgery, I may be taking the early part of this course from my bed.

Friday 9 February 2024

I'm home!

 Yes! It's true! I came home yesterday! I'll post more in the coming days.