About Me

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I am a 68-year-old gay disabled amateur part-time writer living in Slough, Berkshire UK. I have published around 60 articles in 20 leisure and lifestyle magazines. I live with a range of health issues including heart disease, chronic kidney disease, Type 2 diabetes, depression, atrial fibrillation and restless leg syndrome. (I'm working my way through the medical dictionary!). I'm a member of Slough Writer's Group which is interesting and informative. Latest News. 10th July 2023 Awarded 'The Sandy Lee-Guard Award for Endeavour' by the Slough Writers Group. 6th December 2023 Completed studying 'Writing for Magazines' with CityLit University. January 2nd 2024. Fell over in the lounge and fractured my left femur (whilst recovering from fracturing my right femur in July 2023). Recovery expected to take 6 - 8 months. May 2024. Completed studying ' National Centre for Writing' course 'Creative Non-Fiction - An Introduction'. You can see the articles that have been published in the 'LATEST WORK' section of my website. It's at http://richardhill.co.uk/latest.html

Wednesday 23 August 2023

Thursday 24/08/23

Sorry for the delay in posting anything this week. It's been for a number of reasons including depression brought on mainly by the inability to walk more than a few steps. But guess what! Yesterday I walked 24 metres without stopping and now I'm considered well enough to be discharged which they're planning for this Friday 25th.

Simon's been so busy making sure all areas are accessible if possible. He's also installed the grab rail on the wall along the wall opposite the end of the bed.

We're also planning to sell the electric two-seater reclining armchair/sofa and replace it with an electric  riser/recliner armchair, such as the one below:-

I'm not sure whether Lottie will be pleased to see me when I get home, or whether she'll have the strop with her for going off and abandoning her! Either way, I'll be over the moon to see her!

My article about Eliot Best was published in 'Dogs Today' magazine this week. It's brilliant to see something of mine in print again after a gap of a  few years, and to know that there are thousands 'in print' and on shelves in stationers throughout the country. I think Eliot is pleased too.

All for now. It's 03:05 here!

Tuesday 15 August 2023

Tuesday 15th August

Sorry that I missed a few days out. I'm somewhat depressed as I'm not doing as well as I think I should be. The pain at rest is tolerable, but as soon as I put weight on my right leg, it hurts enormously, and I can't walk for more than a few steps and I have to sit because of the pain.

I have a plan! 1) I'm going to take my paint-killing medication before exercise. Oral morphine and a morphine patch, and 2) I've asked to see my consultant about whether this could be part of another problem.

As I write this, at 10:10, I've completed i.e.: Received pain killing medication. Went to gym for walking and bending exercises et al.

Back on ward at 11.25.


16:40 Had a good exercise session this morning. Did around 20 metres and 30 exercises. I (and I think my OT's) are quite pleased with today's progress.

Patrick came to see me, which was good.

Tried to watch 'Queer as Folk', but it keeps breaking-up. Going to try again now.

Thursday 10 August 2023

Tuesday 8th Aug 2023

The day before yesterday, I was in a lot of pain in my right leg. I spent the whole day not doing much but watching ITV3, and found a few good dramas.

Today, I'm not in too much pain, except for the occasional 'pangs' down my right leg. However, remaining generally 'pain-free' for most of the day has left me in a positive frame of mind.

I'm expecting Simon soon. He usually arrives around 13:50 - 14:00. He's let slip that he's bringing me a cheese and onion sandwich!.

Saturday 5 August 2023


It's 03:20 in the morning and I'm, more or less, wide awake. The pain in my right leg has been getting increasingly worse. Today, it's about 7/10 increasing at times to 9/10. It's depressing.

I had planned to begin writing some of the articles on the TTBF, but as I can't view the images, I'm somewhat stuck. I've no idea how long I'm going to be in here.

Someone is coming to our flat on Tuesday to assess our needs. I must remember to ask Simon to ask them for an inflatable backrest for the bed. Something like this...

I don't know how I'll be able to get out of bed without one of these. I think I'll also need a toilet frame as well. Perhaps a 'kerb drop' outside our front door would be useful but would probably be prohibitively expensive.

I'm depressed about not being able to drive for a few weeks/months. I much prefer being in the driver's seat rather than being driven everywhere. I've preferred being the driver in our car ever since I passed my driving test.

That's all for now.

Friday 4 August 2023

Friday 4th August.

 I'm now bedded in the Rehabilitation Unit at Upton Hospital. It's not too bad. The staff are polite and professional, even the physios whose main role is to encourage us to self-inflict pain! By yesterday, I could walk a few yards, but not much more, although I am proud of myself for being able to stand from a seated position and vice-versa.

I can't heap much praise on the food here. Watch this space!