Taking it relatively easy today. At around 11am my blood sugars dropped to 3.4, which is alarming. But I was able to get it back up again after taking some glucose lozenges. I've just taken the laptop onto the patio to see if I can see it in the sunshine. I'm pleased that if I fold the screen forward to create shade, then I can see it - not brilliantly, but enough. But the laptop's getting really hot (it's black), so I'm going to stop now and wind the canopy down.
That's better. We're all in the shade now, apart from Lottie who's on the lawn, soaking up the sun. However, the patio gate has blown closed, so I'm going to have to prop it open somehow. All done - and I've brought my phones out to keep by my side.
I've run out of 'Vuse' vaping liquid and am slowly going up the wall, so I've returned to using nicotine chewing gum.
Yesterday I did some research matching material to publications - with some success. I send a submission inquiry to Church Times and another to Dogs Today. Today, I'm going to do some more 'mixing & matching'!
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