I'm continuing to research material for outlets and magazine articles.
Using Facebook Groups, I'm appealing to people who have responded to my posting regarding 'assistance' to get in touch. None have answered via email, so I'm asking them to answer questions in 'Messenger'. Here is what I've asked them:-
Thank you for responding to my posting. I’m writing a feature about how the forthcoming ban will affect people in your position. If you prefer not to email me ( sloughwriter@gmail.com ) I would be very grateful if you would post some information here in messenger.
How would you like your name to appear?
Whereabouts in the country are you (town, city or region)?
Please tell me about the person who is supported by your ‘assistance’ dog, including gender, age, disability etc.
Please tell me about your ‘assistance’ dog.
How does your ‘assistance’ dog provide. support.
Please tell me about incidents when your dog has provided ‘special’ support.
How will the forthcoming ban affect the person supported.
Please tell me anything else that you think I and the readers would find interesting.
If possible, I would like to conduct a telephone interview. Could you tell me your telephone number? Mine is 07503 628 679.
Thank you for your responses. I look forward to hearing from you. Richard.
BTW If the above applies to you, please answer as many of the questions as you can in an email to me at sloughwriter@gmail.com
I hope that the above will elicit some responses.
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