About Me

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I am a 68-year-old gay disabled amateur part-time writer living in Slough, Berkshire UK. I have published around 60 articles in 20 leisure and lifestyle magazines. I live with a range of health issues including heart disease, chronic kidney disease, Type 2 diabetes, depression, atrial fibrillation and restless leg syndrome. (I'm working my way through the medical dictionary!). I'm a member of Slough Writer's Group which is interesting and informative. Latest News. 10th July 2023 Awarded 'The Sandy Lee-Guard Award for Endeavour' by the Slough Writers Group. 6th December 2023 Completed studying 'Writing for Magazines' with CityLit University. January 2nd 2024. Fell over in the lounge and fractured my left femur (whilst recovering from fracturing my right femur in July 2023). Recovery expected to take 6 - 8 months. May 2024. Completed studying ' National Centre for Writing' course 'Creative Non-Fiction - An Introduction'. You can see the articles that have been published in the 'LATEST WORK' section of my website. It's at http://richardhill.co.uk/latest.html

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Tuesdays Thoughts

Today, I've sent some emails to some dog-owning friends of mine.  Please feel free to 'cut and paste' it into the body of an email and email your answers to me here at sloughwriter@gmail.com.

Here it is:-


I’m working on an article ‘Does your dog make you happy?’ for ‘Dogs Today’ magazine. It will be published in March 2024 to coincide with ‘International Happiness Day 2024’.

As part of my research, I’m talking to dog owners about their relationship with their dogs.

I’d be grateful if you’d take a few minutes to complete these questions and email them back to me. You don’t need to adhere strictly to the questions. For example, if you prefer, write me a story.

Also, I’d love to include a ‘happy’ photograph of you or your family with your dog(s) if possible. Please send it as a high-resolution jpg

Here goes: -

  • 1)    How many dog(s) do you have?
  • 2)    What are their names, gender, breed and ages?
  • 3)    Is/are your dog(s) a pedigree or crossbreed?
  • 4)    How long have you owned your dog(s)?
  • 5)    What activities do you do with your dog(s)? e.g. Walking, running, ball games, dog shows, taking your dog to work etc.
  • 6)    What makes your dog happy?
  • 7)    What does your dog do to make you happy?

Please tell me, in your own words, all about the things that make you smile, laugh, chuckle etc. In short, how does your dog(s) make you happy?


I've edited and partly rewritten 'Best's Friends' and submitted it to 'Asylum magazine'.

It's CityLit night tonight. I'm looking forward to it. I completed the assignment (write a 'pitch' to an editor) a few days ago.

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