It's Wednesday evening. 21:59
I haven't written anything for a couple of days. Although I shouldn't really, I've been taking a sneak look at the material for Week 3 of my OU course (Fiction: Creating Characters). I've become increasingly aware that I've not read anywhere enough fiction in my life. I read Enid Blyton as a young lad and then in my mid-teens I can remember reading a couple of books (fiction) about LSD. I'd like to read them again, but can't remember for the life of me what they were called!
I've written a 750 word piece for the 'Innerverse' writing group that I've started going to. It's about a 76 year old man living with dementia and his relationship with his daughter. I'll develop this into a longer 'short' story. You can see the 'spidergram' I created for it here: http://richardhill.co.uk/tomspidergram.pdf and the story is here: http://richardhill.co.uk/tom.pdf
Rob (Kibble) read out my short story 'Me and Leonard' on Monday evening. I suspect that many in the group may have thought that it was autobiographical, but it wasn't. See what you think: http://richardhill.co.uk/meandleonard.pdf
I've been listening to 'The Writing Game' and 'The Wench is Dead' on audiobooks. I prefer them to reading 'real' books. Is that lazy?
Anyway, that's all for tonight. Bedtime 22:19 Goodnight!
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